Faith Formation Online


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Children & Youth Ministry online and at home

As we all shuffle our usual in-person ministries to empower families for the work of faith formation in the home, we’ve compiled a list of great places for you to start.


Faith at Home Basics

  • Retired editor Sharon Pearson’s blog, Rows of Sharon, has long been a go to for all things formation. Her post on Keeping Faith at Home is full of all the resources you could hope for.
  • Faith@Home, a collaboration between Forward Movement and Forma, is usually a weekly, lectionary based resource for families. As of this week they are now offering daily activities and meditations.
  • Illustrated Ministry is great for those who enjoy the calm of coloring pages. They are providing free, weekly faith formation resources for ALL AGES!
  • If you are going to do Zoom meetings or other video conferences with youth please do not post the link directly to an open social media account. You need to verify who is on the call and who has access to your folks, especially if it is a group of minors. Just like adults allowed to volunteer in Sunday school or youth group, we need to have trained adults only on web calls.

Online Spiritual Resources

The Thoughtful Christian has downloadable bible and topical studies that include an easy -to-follow leader guide and a learner guide at a reasonable price. Hold online meetings and email out the information to those in the group. They will have everything they need to follow the leader in an online course.

Also from groups, consider using Daily Prayer for All Seasons which is available online. The pdf can be shared on a zoom meeting for everyone to follow along.

For some online prayer resources for individuals, consider these options:

And, as always, your Faith Formation Working Group are available to help you brainstorm, support your work, and pray for you. Get in touch if you need anything. Amy Cook, and Caren Miles,