The “Lambeth Calls” document: a statement from Bishop Marc
I join with many Episcopal Church bishops, the bishops of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and, in the days to come, I’m sure with many other bishops of the Communion in expressing my dismay at the “Lambeth Calls” document that was abruptly distributed to Anglican bishops on the eve of the Lambeth Conference. Both the timing and the content of the document are problematic in that they offer little opportunity for those of us who disagree to voice our dissent.
What is objectionable about the Lambeth Calls document? Let me focus on two areas of concern: 1) the apparent attempt to fast-track a Communion-wide stance that accords with the Archbishop of Canterbury’s own stand on human sexuality and 2) the nature of his position, which is to oppose same-gender marriage (see page 31 of the “Lambeth Calls” document, in the section on Human Dignity).
The Episcopal Church will not go backward on our affirmation of the full rights of the LGBTQ community, and certainly this diocese, which has long been a leader in this area, will be resolute. The Diocese of California can count on Sheila and me to do our best during the Lambeth Conference to advocate and witness for LGBTQ rights. We will have many allies in this effort; I ask for your prayers.
Author: adiadiocal



  1. The Very Reverend Dr. Peggy Patterson

    I am glad you and Shelia are representing Us and that you will
    Advocate for the full sacramental participation of all people.

  2. David Dehner

    The Protestant Episcopal Church in America was born, via c-section, from the Church of England and has been a revolutionary end of Christianity which harkens back to the founding of the original colonies. What is tragic is that when the Anglican Church has the serious call to tell truth to power, especially about global warming and the cost in human rights, we are hijacked by the conservative minority that is unable to handle the fact that the world (including Elizabeth II) has moved on to accept the mystery of human sexuality rather than the biology. The planet is on fire and this “splashing at the shallow end of the theological pool” will be more attractive to the news media [a critical reporting of the Conference] than the most serious call to stewardship of the planet and to each other. Perhaps it is time for the Crown to look outside the UK for the next Archbishop of Canterbury if the worldwide communion is to survive. My only prayer now is, “God, give me strength to accept those things I cannot change; the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”


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