Bishop Marc’s statement on the Oakland shooting

We arise today with heavy hearts and troubled spirits in the wake of yesterday’s shooting rampage at Rudsdale Newcomer High School, part of the King Estate complex of schools in East Oakland. Six adults were injured, and news reports indicate that two of those souls have life-threatening wounds. The trauma also extends to all those who were on the school campus at the time of the shooting — a place that was meant to be a place of refuge, learning, and opportunity for recent immigrants who have fled violence and instability in their home countries.

We pray for all of the shooting victims, especially those hospitalized with devastating injuries. We pray also for all first responders, especially those tending to the wounded and the law enforcement officers investigating this senseless crime. We ask God to comfort all those affected by this trauma and fortify them with the strength they need to face the difficult days ahead.

Finally, we ask for your divine help, O God, for our the City of Oakland, where chronic gun violence terrorizes innocent people and destabilizes communities. May our state and federal leaders finally summon the courage to overhaul our gun laws so that all citizens can grow and thrive free from fear. Amen

Author: adiadiocal



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