Holy Spirit Prayer for Pentecost by Rev. Justin R. Cannon

May 25, 2023 | #DidYouKnow, #Stories

Holy Spirit Prayer

By the Rev. Justin R. Cannon



Bewildering Spirit, Scorch from our hearts the selfishness that infects us, the plague of ego that reinforces delusions that we are each the center of this cosmic unfolding.

Bewildering Spirit, Burn the walls we create within that divide us one from another and the walls that we build with our hands, manifesting our fear of sharing, that there won’t be enough.

Bewildering Spirit, Blaze from our souls the illusion of independence, of self-dependence, and any barriers to interdependence.

Bewildering Spirit, Char from our minds the grandeur we give our own thoughts, our own ideas, our own perceptions of what is right and good that we may be open to correction, to learning, to changing, to growing.



Amazing Spirit, Break us open that we might see our seams, our frailty, our already brokenness and weakness, so that we might rely on your power and not delusions of our own.

Amazing Spirit, Tear at the binding that holds together our holy of holies that we might learn to not confine you, that we might not be surprised when we find you in the ragged, worn, tired and torn.

Amazing Spirit, Rip out our hearts from any calloused protection, from our fears, out from any protection that we might feel the pain of the world, the suffering of the lowly, that we might feel the agony of the daily crucifixion of our sisters and brothers, earth, sky, and waters, and not turn away from the cross of our own infliction, but tenderly tend the wounds

Amazing Spirit, Burst the marionette strings of anxiety that tightly tie us from trust, from seeing the grand mural created by you in the cosmic unwrapping of day, week, month, year, decade, century, eon. Burst the strings that we may trust your hands at work, even in and through the muck and mire and mess of our creation.



Perplexing Spirit, Shake us from our certainties and complacencies, that we might be vulnerable and seek counsel, advice, and discover new ways to walk gently with one another and on this earth

Perplexing Spirit, Stir and spin us, wildly disorient us from thinking we know the way, from having to be right, from talking to much, being silent too little, and not making enough room for one another or your still small voice to be heard

Perplexing Spirit, Shatter our complacencies that we might live each day, each step, each word fully alive, fresh, and invigorated.


Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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