Confirmations at Grace Cathedral 

Jun 13, 2023 | #DidYouKnow, #Stories

Story by the Rev. Canon Debbie Low-Skinner, Photos courtesy of the Rev. Canon Debbie Low-Skinner and Faith Formation Associate Caren Miles 

Some 39 people from 13 congregations gathered at Grace Cathedral Saturday, June 10 to be confirmed, renew their baptismal vows, or be received as members of The Episcopal Church. As always, we thank our awesome diocesan associate for faith formation (who also specializes in youth and young adult ministries), Caren Miles, for organizing this confirmation event and making it run smoothly, with the great help and cooperation of the cathedral staff.

Our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus, Ph.D., presided. In his sermon on St. Ephrem of Edessa, he pointed out that on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to perform deeds of power. He said those being confirmed are also enabled to perform deeds of power. In the modern age, that could mean working to free people oppressed by unjust governments/institutions. It could also mean helping provide clean and safe water to the estimated three billion people (out of a world population of eight billion) who lack it. We are not here in this world to be only for ourselves, Bishop Marc said. We need each other. Quoting Ram Dass, Bishop Marc reminded the congregation that, ultimately, we are here to walk each other home. Think of a world where the clean water of the Spirit has been spread to everyone.

The collection taken at the service will help fund the planting of fruit trees at our Jubilee Farm/Church in Brentwood.  ree planting is part of a global Anglican Communion effort to counter climate change.

After confirmations, Bishop Marc signed prayer books and posed for photos with confirmands in the cathedral chapter house library.

Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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