Do you know how many bishop’s are required to ordain and consecrate a new bishop?

Apr 26, 2024 | #DidYouKnow, #FunFacts

A minimum of three bishops are required to ordain and consecrate a new bishop, according to The Episcopal Church’s Constitution and Canons (Article 2, Section 2). Bishop-elect Austin Keith Rios is expecting to have seven consecrators at his May 4 ordination and consecration service (more than double the required minimum!).

The chief consecrating bishop will be the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce (The Episcopal Diocese of Western Missouri). There are also five Episcopal co-consecrating bishops: The Rt. Rev Mark D.W. Edington (the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe), the Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown (Maine), the Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus (California), the Rt. Rev. Rafael Morales Maldonado (Puerto Rico and Cuba), and the Rt. Rev. Phoebe Roaf (Tenessee).

The other co-consecrator is the Rev. Jeff R. Johnson, Bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ECLA). The ECLA is in full communion with The Episcopal Church. This means ECLA bishops can serve in Episcopal ordinations and consecrations (and vice versa).


Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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