Sound Bath Meditation Sessions


Sound Bath Meditation Sessions

Limited attendees. First come, first serve. Admission $25 per person.

Register below or pay at the door (cash only).

Please plan to arrive by 7:15 pm to get settled. Gate closes at 7:30pm. Session starts at 7:30 pm and continues until 8:30pm.

  • Wednesday May 29. Register here
  • Friday May 31. Register here

What Is a Sound Bath?

In general, a sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources such as gongs or singing bowls. During the sound bath, participants lie on their backs—sometimes referred to as the Savasana position in yoga.

What you need to bring:

Please bring a yoga mat, pillow and blanket, and an eye mask if you like. If lying down is a problem, just bring a blanket and pillow. It may be cold in the evening, so please bring a warm blanket.

Sound Healing Practitioner:

Sally Porter Munro (mezzo-soprano) is a native of London, England and a graduate of the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England. While living in England she sang with the English National Opera, Royal Opera de la Monnaie in Brussels, and as an oratorio soloist in Europe. She also performed with the BBC Singers on radio and television. She relocated to New York City to continue her studies. Since moving to San Francisco, Ms. Munro has sung as a soloist with Pocket Opera, Berkeley Opera, North Bay Opera, San Francisco Lyric Opera, and Lake Tahoe Festival. Ms. Munro has performed as a soloist with the Oakland East Bay Symphony Orchestra, the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, the San Francisco Russian Chamber Orchestra, MasterWorks Chorale, the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra and the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra. She is a full time member of The San Francisco Opera Chorus and has covered and sung a number of small roles. Ms. Munro teaches singing and the Alexander Technique and was a faculty member of the San Francisco Girls’ Chorus for twenty years. For four years, she has been a faculty member of The Young Women’s Choral Project.

Please visit for more details.

General information:

Venue information

Organizer information: