“Embracing the Wilderness: Uncovering the Wisdom Within” a Women’s retreat hosted by St. Columba’s Inverness


“Embracing the Wilderness: Uncovering the Wisdom Within” a Women’s retreat hosted by St. Columba’s Inverness

Retreat Theme: What images come to mind when you consider the wilderness? Fear of the wild? Solace in nature? Temptation? New adventure? These wilderness images and more are present in our lives and holy texts. Join Mary Bea Sullivan for a weekend women’s retreat as we embrace the wilderness motif presented in the Lenten scriptures. The retreat will provide opportunity for contemplative practices, sabbath rest, and sharing our unique stories of the universal experience of wilderness. We will listen in community “with the ear of the heart” for the stirring of the spirit as we embrace wilderness wisdom for our lives.

Presenter Bio: The Rev. Mary Bea Sullivan is a story keeper and a story teller. A published author, she has written Dancing Naked Under the Moon Uncovering the Wisdom Within and Living the Way of Love. Mary Bea is also a facilitator, spiritual director, and an Episcopal priest who has enjoyed serving in a variety of parishes and led retreats throughout the United States. She is especially drawn to being with people in pivotal moments of their lives and listening with them for the nudging of the Spirit. Mary Bea has led parishes through discernment regarding same-sex marriage, the calling of new leaders, developing new ministries, and creating a memory-care respite program. She is the former Diocesan Chair for the Commission on Spirituality. Prior to ordained ministry, Mary Bea founded the end-of-life care non-profit Project Compassion which was a Robert Woods Johnson award. A lover of nature, she is buoyed by her husband Malcolm Marler, adult children, Brendan and Kiki, her large extended family, and her friends. Her dogs Beau and Grace keep it real. 
When: Friday May 19 – Sunday May 21, 2023
Where: St. Columba’s, 12835 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Inverness
Cost: A range starting at $175 for commuter no meals up to $575 retreat & lodging with single occupancy room, partial scholarships available
Contact: Anna Haight, annahaight@stcolumbasinverness,org

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