Dean Robert Willis at Washington National Cathedral 

Jun 13, 2023 | #DidYouKnow, #Stories

Story by the Rev. Canon Debbie Low-Skinner

The Dean Emeritus of Canterbury Cathedral, The Very Rev. Dr. Robert Willis, was the guest preacher on June 11 at Washington National Cathedral for Pride Sunday. He began by thanking his long-time partner, Fletcher, for his love and support and for his camera work and production of the hundreds of COVID-era daily Morning Prayer YouTubes, which spanned a total of 26 months.

Also in his sermon, he cited:

  • The importance of the rainbow in the Bible as a sign of God’s promise to the earth and humankind. The rainbow also arches over the throne of God.
  • We are reminded of the quote of St. Catherine of Siena: “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
  • The life of Matthew Shepherd was tragically cut short, and he died for being gay in a brutal anti-gay hate assault. His portrait is now displayed in the St. Joseph Chapel of  Washington National Cathedral.
  • We are reminded of Joseph, with the “amazing technicolor dream coat,” who was hated by his brothers and thrown down a well and left for dead. But God fulfilled his promise to humankind by saving Joseph, who in turn later saved his family and Israel from famine.
  • As June 11 is the Feast Day of St. Barnabas, we are reminded that Joseph Barnabas was literally the “son of encouragement.”  He befriended and introduced Saul/Paul to the rest of the apostles. He encouraged and ministered with Paul in his missionary journeys. They only separated because Barnabas stood by John Mark, his nephew, despite Paul’s insistence to leave John Mark behind.
  • The rainbow is the sign of triumph over the dark clouds of evil.
Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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