Canon Debbie’s visits Holy Family, Half Moon Bay

Jun 28, 2023 | #DidYouKnow, #Stories

Story and photos by the Rev. Canon Debbie Low-Skinner

Canon Debbie had the pleasure of guest preaching and presiding on Sunday, June 25 at Holy Family Episcopal Church in Half Moon Bay.

She preached on the Genesis story of Hagar and her son Ishmael, who were cast out because Abraham’s wife Sarah didn’t want Ishmael to overshadow and take God’s favor away from Isaac, Sarah’s son.

The sermon described how instances of sibling rivalry are rife throughout the bible. Canon Debbie then quoted Rabbi Harold Kushner, who said (in his book “How Perfect Do I Have to Be?”) that humankind’s real original sin is believing that there’s not enough love to go around — which is a big cause of sibling rivalry. He said that God loves us all equally, despite our imperfections.

Canon Debbie also cited Galatians 3:28, which says there is no longer any Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, as all (i.e., races, ethnicities, religions, sexualities, etc.) are one in Jesus Christ. The sermon ended with a prayer for racial harmony from the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas:Good and gracious God,

Who loves and delights in all people,

we stand in awe before You, knowing that the spark of life within each person on earth is the spark of your divine life.
Differences among cultures and races are multicolored manifestations of Your Light.
May our hearts and minds be open to celebrate similarities and differences among our sisters and brothers.
We place our hopes for racial harmony in our committed action and in Your Presence in our Neighbor.
May all peoples live in Peace.

Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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