Final Holy Eucharist for Iain Stanford at St. Peter’s, Redwood City

Jul 11, 2023 | #DidYouKnow, #Stories

Story and photos by Cannon Debbie Low-Skinner

(Via Zoom) I attended the July 9th 10am Holy Eucharist at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Redwood City.  The guest celebrant/preacher was The Rev. Michael P. Barham.  Today was to be the final official service of their Rector, The Rev. Iain Stanford, who is currently under hospice care for cancer.  But, sadly, he felt too ill and weak to be able to attend.

The Senior Warden, Nancy Oliver, said that cards, gifts, and flowers brought today for Rev. Iain will be dropped off later at his home.

Note the lovely words of the final hymn, “God, Bless the Hands” sung to the tune “Eternal Father, Strong to Save.”

May we also be inspired by the message of Rev. Michael’s homily that we, who follow the loving Christ, are “prisoners of hope, ” who are to follow Christ’s example of lovingly ministering to one another by walking, crying, praying, and even dancing for joy with one another.


Ellie Simpson
Author: Ellie Simpson



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