Awake in the Wilderness: A Contemplative Lenten Retreat at St. Paul’s Burlingame with Fr. Brendan E. Williams, CMR


Awake in the Wilderness: A Contemplative Lenten Retreat at St. Paul’s Burlingame with Fr. Brendan E. Williams, CMR

Friday, February 23, 5:30-8:30pm (includes dinner) and Saturday, February 24, 10am to 4:30pm (includes lunch)

After receiving an initiation from John the Baptist and an anointing from the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the incarnate Wisdom of God, goes into the wilderness for an extended period to fast and pray, and to do battle with his own inner demons (more specifically, with ‘The Divider’, that disordered egoic impulse that alienates us from God and our fellow creatures). This mysterious series of events invites our keen exploration—its deepest value will be found in reading it as an invitation to real participation in the personal and collective quest for atonement (‘at-one-ment’), the restoration or reunion of our deepest nature (imago dei) with the ineffable Source.
Our two-day retreat begins Friday evening with introductory teachings, a simple supper, and contemplative practice to help us traverse the profound potential of the proverbial desert. Saturday’s morning and afternoon sessions will include lunch and conclude with Eucharist. As you embrace this pilgrimage toward the essential nature—of the Lenten season, of the Gospel, of our own minds, and of the human journey—come and be nourished in body and spirit, enjoying conversation around shared meals.
Freewill donations to subsidize retreat costs and to support the ministry of the Communion of the Mystic Rose will be received over the weekend and may be submitted online. 

Donations to cover retreat costs and to support the ministry of the Communion of the Mystic Rose are requested, in person or online at

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