Strategic Visioning Committee Bios


The Rev. Todd Bryant

The Rev. Todd Bryant has been Rector of St. Timothy’s in Danville since 2017. He is a current member of the Executive Council.

The Rev. Miguel Bustos

The Rev. Miguel Bustos is the Cathedral Deacon at Grace Cathedral. He is also the Presiding Bishop’s manager for Racial Justice and Reconciliation for The Episcopal Church.

Tricia Christensen

Tricia Christensen is a parishioner of Christ Church Portola Valley/Woodside, leading the Vital+Thriving and Housing committees. She is a board member of the Episcopal Impact Fund; an Affordable Housing Champion for San Mateo County; and an administrator at Team Palisades Tahoe. Tricia enjoys spending time with her husband and their 3 kids, traveling, volunteering, and getting outside.

    Canon Amy Cook

    Amy Cook is the Canon for Formation for the Diocese of California. She started here in 2017 and works with the School for Deacons, college chaplains, and the Vital+Thriving program, among other things.

    Felicia Ossei Demann

    Felicia Ossei Demann is originally from Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Raised in the Episcopal Church since childhood, she has been honored to serve as a choir member, a vestry member, a Sunday school teacher, and a fundraiser. She is presently an Altar Guild member at St. Paul’s, San Rafael, her proud church home since 1981.

    Evan Deocariza

    Evan Deocariza is a member of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, where he is involved with the Congregation Council, Stephen Ministry, and EfM. He identifies as queer and trans and is grateful to have found healing and community in the Episcopal Church as an adult.

    Adam Dormus

    Pastor Adam Dormus is a Licensed Lay Preacher in the Episcopal Church, Movement Chaplain, peace and justice activist, graphic artist, and writer living on unceded Ohlone land in so-called Berkeley, California, with his partner and dog. He loves Jesus, Top Chef, and books about tall ships.

    The Rev. Laura Eberly

    The Rev. Laura Eberly is a vocational deacon serving as interim clergy-in-charge at Santiago St. James in Oakland. She is also a DEI facilitator and consultant, a trainer with the College for Congregational Development, and a queer mom building family and community in Concord.

    The Rev. John Kirkley

    The Rev. John Kirkley is the rector of St. James, San Francisco, and a member of Executive Council, who has served as a priest in the diocese since 2002. He lives in San Francisco with his husband, and they have an adult son.

    Jacob Moody

    Jacob Moody has been a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, San Rafael, since 1991. He is retired after working for several social service agencies serving the African American community in San Francisco. He is currently a member of the Board of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and a former President of the same.

    The Rev. Will Scott

    The Rev. Will Scott lives in El Cerrito with his spouse, Matt, his cat, Raven, and serves at St. Anselm’s, Lafayette. Will’s prior work includes Grace Cathedral, St. Cyprian’s, Interfaith Power & Light, Pacific School of Religion, and Christ Church, Alameda. He is a member of Executive Council.

    Jocelyn A. Sideco

    Jocelyn A. Sideco, MTS, serves as the Pastoral Associate at St. Paul’s Burlingame focusing on children, youth, and family ministry. She has worked with young adults to re-orient and align their vocations to be at the service of just structures and peaceful communities. She and her wife have three children ages 6, 4, and 2, and consider the US and Costa Rica their homes.

    Debie Thomas

    Debie Thomas is a postulant in DioCal, and an M.Div student at The Church Divinity School of the Pacific. From 2014 to 2024, she served as a lay minister for formation at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Palo Alto. Debie is also the author of two books (Into the Mess and Other Jesus Stories, and A Faith of Many Rooms), and serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for The Christian Century.

    The Rev. Liz Tichenor

    The Rev. Liz Tichenor serves as rector of Church of the Resurrection in Pleasant Hill. She’s also a writer, a mom to tweens, and a director for the College for Congregational Development.

    Nancy S. Wiens

    Nancy S. Wiens, M.Div., Ph.D., is a PC(USA) clergywoman, spiritual director, and wilderness guide, who facilitates discernment in individuals and organizations. She is supporting the Strategic Visioning Committee and participates in the contemplative community at St. Columba’s, Inverness.