Michaelmas and the Seating of the Ven. Miguel Bustos as Archdeacon


Michaelmas and the Seating of the Ven. Miguel Bustos as Archdeacon

Join us as we celebrate the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, also known as Michaelmas, with the Bishop of California, the Rt. Rev. Austin Keith Rios, presiding; the Very Rev. Dr. Deborah White, Dean of Contra Costa Deanery, preaching; and the Ven. Miguel Bustos being seated as Archdeacon of the Diocese.

Like the familiar feast of Christmas/Christ-Mass to honor the birth of Jesus on December 25, our living heritage honors St. Michael the Archangel and all the angels with Michael-Mass. Michaelmas is also the name given to the autumn term in many English universities. As the angels adore God in eternity and are seen as messengers in salvation history, Michaelmas honors our community’s shared life of service to God and to humanity. At Grace Cathedral, this feast has been a joyous occasion for the institution of many bishops and deans. It’s a luminous and numinous invitation to inaugurate this season of celebrating and rededicating our shared life and witness as the community of Grace Cathedral and the Diocese of California.

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