The Episcopal Church in the Bay Area is committed to caring for God’s earth and all of its inhabitants. This call includes advocacy and action on behalf of those most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. We also stress the importance of taking small, daily actions on a household level to sustain and care for our natural resources. To support that work, our diocese piloted Sustain Island Home, an online “carbon tracker” adopted by the Episcopal Church at its 2018 General Convention. 

Carbon Tracker

Click here to sign up for Sustain Island Home. This online program supports you as you take small, but impactful steps to protect and care for the earth.

Creation Care

More resources and programs that support our collective efforts to care for God’s creation.


Climate Resources

Resources to equip the church and the people to continue the work of bettering our world through assisting with climate change.

Bishop's Climate Work

Read about Bishop Marc’s climate advocacy work—at the United Nations, in the Episcopal Church, and much more.

Eco Confirmations

Along with the Book of Common Prayer liturgy, these confirmations include a vow to respect the dignity of the earth and every human being.

Jubilee Farm

Our vision for a new community that fosters human connection through a relationship with the land God created. 

Our Work


Let’s take care of our  earth together