Youth Bystander Training, Grace Cathedral


Youth Bystander Training, Grace Cathedral

Most young people have witnessed or experienced racial harassment, and endured the emotions of anger, fear and helplessness that can come with such an attack. This training will help participants create strategies to respond to a racially motivated attack in ways that keeps them, and those being attacked, safe. Participants will also reflect on how they can, as emerging leaders, respond to the “original sin” of racism that lies at the root of hate crimes. The training will be led by artivist and educator Usmaan Alloo of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Bay Area Office). For youth aged 12+. 

When*: Sunday, November 6, 1-3 pm
Where*: Grace Cathedral, 1100 California Street, San Francisco
Cost:  Free (ages 12-18)
Contact: Steph McNally:

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