Diocesan Ordinations at Grace Cathedral


Diocesan Ordinations at Grace Cathedral

Join the people of the diocese in the ordinations of three new deacons, Laura Elizabeth Natta, Stephen Michael Siptroth, and Mees Tielens. Deacons are charged with interpreting the needs of the world for the church; modeling servant leadership; and assisting in the proclamation of the Word, especially the gospel, and administration of Sacraments.  The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop, will preside.

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Event information:

Join us for a reception following the ordination ceremony!

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Please pray for the ministry of those being ordained:

  • Laura Elizabeth Natta, to be ordained deacon
  • Stephen Michael Siptroth, to be ordained deacon
  • Mees Tielens, to be ordained deacon

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Support diocesan ministries:

Please make a donation today to support the work of the Vocations Office of the Diocese of California. Your gift will support future candidates as they journey through their process. Thank you!



General information:

Venue information

Organizer information: