University Chaplaincies

The diocese supports two Episcopal chaplaincies in the Bay Area: one at UC Berkeley, and one at Stanford. Our university chaplains work with students, faculty, and staff to create spaces of welcome and belonging in the Episcopal tradition.

Cal Canterbury

Cal Episcopal is many things. We offer a spiritual home to students from, or interested in, the Episcopal and Anglican Tradition. We are also a center dedicated to serving as a bridge of critical inquiry between the academic life and the spiritual life. The idea of the university was born from the understanding that the human mind was a divine gift created for exploration and contemplation. We continue that tradition.

We also offer a place for spiritual growth. Many people associate Christianity with judgment and ignorance. The Episcopal Church is a welcoming place – regardless of gender or sexual identity, race, class – we try to be open.

Stanford Canterbury

Stanford Canterbury Foundation is a ministry supported by the Diocese of California and dedicated to the Episcopal campus ministry at Stanford University. The foundation funds a chaplain to support students, faculty, and staff, and to partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to support Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry, the university’s only progressive Christian student group.

Donations Accepted

If you’re interested in supporting our Chaplains you can do so via a donation!