Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community webcast – Celtic Roots for Justice in Action with John Philip Newell


Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community webcast – Celtic Roots for Justice in Action with John Philip Newell

When: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 7:00 PM
Where: Zoom, Register here

Join us for the next episode of Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community where leading spiritual teacher John Philip Newel in conversation with Bishop Marc Andrus and Dr. M. Paloma Pavel shares how Celtic spirituality—listening to the sacred around us and inside of us—can help us heal the earth, overcome our conflicts, and reconnect with ourselves.

His latest book, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What our Souls Know and Healing the World, reflects on the long, hidden tradition of Celtic Christianity. He explains how this earth-based spirituality can help us rediscover the natural rhythms of life and deepen our spiritual connection with God, with each other, and with the earth. Celtic Christianity’s leading practitioners, both saints and pioneers of faith. His book traces mystics and seers beginning with Iranaeus in the 2nd century AD, who preached on matter as coming from the Womb of God, as Sacred Utterance. Nine other eco-mystics follow including Hildegard, St. Francis, and ending with John Muir. Newell explains that when the church “got in bed with the Empire” in the 4th century, matter loses its spiritual foundation and becomes “Ex Nihilo.”  Matter was seen as exploitable, not sacred. Today we are alienated from Mother Earth and yearning to come back, to hear the ‘resounding’ of the Divine from within everything and every being. The Celtic path offers hope and possibility for this restoration and regeneration.

The music of Cameron Newell, son of John Philip Newell, will grace our evening. , providing traditional Scottish fiddle music inspired by the land and history.

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