General Confirmation Service at Grace Cathedral


General Confirmation Service at Grace Cathedral

This service has all the fancy things you’ve come to love from our annual Confirmation service. Confirmands are to arrive at 9:00 a.m. The service should last a little over two hours.

Registration should be filled out by congregational leadership, not individuals. If you have any last minute folks to register pleas email Caren Miles. For questions, please contact Caren Miles


A few details for families and congregations with confirmands: 

  • We ask that families and those being confirmed or received arrive at the gym downstairs (Gresham Hall) by 9 am to meet with Bishop Marc and do a quick run through of the service. From there each congregation will be lined up to walk in the procession by 10 am.
  • If you are bringing a banner, please bring the stand with you.
  • The seating chart will be shared that morning. Families will be able to sit with the confirmands.
  • The service should last less than two hours, based on how many confirmands we have.
  • Bishop Marc will be available after the service for photos and to sign prayer books and parish registers.
  • Confirmation certificates will be given to each congregation; however they will not be filled out.
  • If you have a nickname or a name that you would prefer Bishop Marc to use when blessing you, please let Caren Miles know. Nametags will be printed based on the names sent in on the registration form.


General information:

Venue information

Organizer information: