

The nomination process formally introduces the aspirant at the diocesan level and notifies the diocese and the bishop of an individual’s desire to pursue holy orders. A confirmed adult communicant in good standing may be nominated for ordination to the diaconate or priesthood by the person’s congregation or other community of faith. There is a canonically required, 18-month minimum time of discernment and formation for ministry, beginning with the date that the aspirant accepts the nomination, and before a date of ordination.

Annual Deadline to Apply for Nomination

Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis. All nominations forms must be submitted by June 1 for the nominee to be considered for postulancy at the annual November Vocations Conference.

    Nomination Documents

    The forms required for nomination are divided into two groups: an application the nominee fills out themselves, and supporting documents submitted by others on behalf of the nominee.

      Submitted by you

      N1 Application for nomination

      Click here to complete the application for nomination. Below is a list of the application components:

      1. Application for Nomination for Holy Orders
      2. Baptismal Certificate
      3. Confirmation Certificate
      4. Reception Certificate (if applicable)
      5. Description of Discernment Process
      6. Explanation of previous application for Holy Orders (if applicable)
      7. Dates of Day of Discernment and Time of Discernment
      8. A ~400-word autobiography
      9. File Confidentiality and Management

        Submitted by others on behalf of you

        The Local Discernment Committee and Vestry or Bishop’s Committee complete their recommendations here. These can be individual image files (.pdf, .jpg, etc.) or the whole body may sign a blank sheet of paper, and the submitter can upload a single file on the body’s behalf.

        N2 Report Regarding Nomination from the LDC

        Click here to submit the N2 on behalf of the nominee.

        The LDC will prepare and submit a written report to the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee and forward to the vocations office.

        N3 Congregational Endorsement of Nomination for Holy Orders

        Click here to submit the N3 on behalf of the nominee.

        The Vestry/Bishop’s Committee will consider the recommendation of the LDC and, if in agreement, endorse the nomination of the aspirant and forward to the vocations office.

        Assessment and Decisions

        All other phases of the Holy Orders process include an assessment of the application and supporting documentation, and a subsequent decision. Nomination does not. Once the aspirant’s application and supporting documentation is received, they are a nominee.

          As a nominee

          The nominee will begin the application for postulancy, and coordinate the supporting documentation, especially with the LDC.

          The nominee may engage in a supervised ministry.

          See Minsitry Placement to notify the vocations office and bishop of your intent to undertake supervised ministry.

          The Commission on Ministry (COM) will appoint a liaison to begin working with and providing support for the nominee.
          The person remains a nominee until the application for postulancy has been assessed and the Bishop issues a decision granting or denying postulancy.

            *Nomination is a preliminary step in discerning a possible call to Holy Orders and does not guarantee ordination.