Assessment, Decisions, and Education Plan for Postulancy


Assessment of Application for Postulancy

P11 COM Recommendation Regarding Postulancy

At the Vocations Conference, the nominee will be interviewed by members of the COM to further discern the nominee’s call to holy orders. After the conference, the COM will submit its evaluation and recommendation to the bishop for consideration.

Interview with the Bishop

The nominee will be prompted to schedule an interview with the bishop, who will evaluate the suitability and qualifications of the applicant to seek Holy Orders.

Decisions Regarding Postulancy Application

P12 Bishop’s Decision Regarding Postulancy

The bishop, after receiving the recommendation of the COM, will decide whether to approve the nominee for postulancy.

The nominee will be notified of the decision in a timely manner by the bishop or the vocations office.

If postulancy is not granted

If postulancy is not granted, the bishop may, at their sole discretion, invite the nominee to reapply in one, two or three years. If more than three years elapse before a nominee reapplies for postulancy, the process must be undertaken from the beginning, with an LDC and new nomination.

If postulancy is granted

Proceed to the during postulancy page to see next steps.