Grace Cathedral 

As with all Episcopal dioceses, the Episcopal Church in the Bay Area is led, both pastorally and administratively, by a bishop. The bishop’s seat, or “cathedra,” is located at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, making it the principal church of the diocese. The bishop and board of trustees serve as the governing body, while the dean and Cathedral Chapter run the day-to-day operations.

One of the Bay Area’s largest worship spaces, Grace Cathedral frequently hosts major public events, sacred and secular concerts, and the fundamental rites of life—baptism, marriage, and burial—for many people with no other church home. It is also the site of many events central to the life of the Episcopal Church in the Bay Area, including ordination ceremonies, confirmations, and the annual diocesan convention.

The bishop and diocesan staff are headquartered at the Diocesan House, which sits on the northeast corner of the cathedral close. Grace Cathedral has its own, separate staff. Led by the cathedral dean, their offices are in the Chapter House (just behind the Diocesan House).


– For questions about the bishop or the diocese, please contact the staff of the Episcopal Church in the Bay Area / Diocese of California.

– For questions about Grace Cathedral, please contact the Cathedral staff