All Deanery Pre-Convention Meeting


All Deanery Pre-Convention Meeting

In preparation for our Annual Convention, this year we are trying something new.   We will have an All-Deanery Pre-Convention virtual meeting held on Tuesday, August 30th at 6:00-7:30pm PDT.  This Zoom webinar event will also be recorded and available for viewing later via the DioCal Convention website.

In order for each congregation’s Convention Delegates to attend the August 30th All-Deanery Pre-Convention meeting, please register here.  All attendees will have the opportunity to hear in real-time the following presentations and pose questions:

  • How the budget is developed and a narrative overview of the 2023 budget by our Canon for Diocesan Finance, The Rev. Cn. Michele Racusin.
  • The year-end 2021 and 2022 highlights and anticipated 2023 accomplishments from Bishop Marc and from each of the Diocesan Working Group Heads for Congregational Ministries, Faith Formation, Development/Stewardship, and Diocesan Communications.
  • An overview of the proposed resolutions and canon changes by David Frangquist, Chair of the Resolutions Committee
  • An overview of those who have been nominated by the Rev. Hannah Elyse Cornthwaite, Chair of the Nominations Committee.
  • A reminder of how the VPOLL voting will be conducted by Adia Milien, Chair of Dispatch of Business.

Please spread the word to your Deaneries and Convention Delegates.  For further information, contact our Canon for Diocesan Communications, Canon Stephanie Martin Taylor at


General information:

Venue information

Organizer information: