Book Release & Signing Pizza Celebration: ‘Jesus at Twelve: A Mandate for Youth Ministry’ (Hybrid)


Book Release & Signing Pizza Celebration: ‘Jesus at Twelve: A Mandate for Youth Ministry’ (Hybrid)

We are pleased to announce the release of Jesus at Twelve: A Mandate for Youth Ministry by retired Episcopal priest the Rev. John Edward Rawlinson. Father John is retired from thirty-eight years in an inner-city, multi-ethnic congregation in which he engaged youth ministries on diocesan, parochial, and community-based levels. He earned a PhD in church history from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. This Book Release & Signing will be held on Palm Sunday, March 24 at 12:30pm at All Saints Episcopal Church, 911 Dowling Blvd, San Leandro, California with pizza provided. This event will be offered hybrid, available on ZoomAt the gathering, Father John will share excerpts from the book and guide the group in an eye-opening exercise covered in the book. For more information contact Fr. John at

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 “This insightful book is the result of many years of ministry with young people. John Edward Rawlinson makes a compassionate and compelling case for creating conditions whereby young people can thrive within congregations and beyond. The book is filled with practical advice and theological reflection.” —Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook, professor of practical theology, religious education, and Christian histories, Claremont School of Theology

Publisher’s Description:
The story of Jesus in the temple, at age twelve, is essentially a story of “teenage rebellion”—leaving parents, doing self-planned activities. The end of the story is that he “grew in stature and wisdom.” This demonstrates an element in the process of developing from a child into an adult. This inevitable process of development from child to adult is a physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual process that should result in self-identity. This is not an information-related intellectual process. It is inevitable and a divinely designed developmental human process. This book explains how such a developmental process can, and should, be the fundamental basis for a youth ministry program.

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