Classical Guitar Duo Performs at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Walnut Creek


Classical Guitar Duo Performs at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Walnut Creek

St. Paul’s Concert Series is excited to host Guitar Duo extraordinaire DUO-SF for an evening of delightful summer music.  Duo-SF is recognized as one of America’s most promising young guitar ensembles, known for their effortlessly light, smooth, and exceptionally articulate presentations of favorite classical and jazz pieces.

 See more about Duo-SF, including videos from past performances at their site:

St. Paul’s Concert Series is pleased to invite its audience in-person for this event, and we will also broadcast this performance simultaneously online.  To receive the online link, visit St. Paul’s at

Located in downtown Walnut Creek, the St. Paul’s Concert Series offers monthly world-class performances to the local community for an affordable, donation-based cost. Free parking is provided, or an easy walk three blocks from Walnut Creek BART.

When: Saturday, August 26, 7pm (PDT)
Where: In-Person – 1924 Trinity Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Online broadcast:  visit to receive concert link
Contact: Deborah Webster
Tel.: 925-297-0134

Donations graciously accepted at the door (avg. $20/$10 Students) and in our online registration.  All are welcome regardless of donation!

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