Diocesan ordinations at Grace Cathedral


Diocesan ordinations at Grace Cathedral

Join the people of the diocese in the ordinations of two new deacons: Andrew Ky-Wing Lee and William Edward Trego, and seven new priests: Annalise Brittany Deal, Benjamin Simon Dinglasan, Jr., Brendan Francis Nee, Jeremy Robert O’Neill, Calvin Payne-Taylor, David Thomas Poynor IV, and Larisa Yeranig Shaterian.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop Diocesan will preside. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Andrus and The Rt. Rev. Austin Rios, bishop coadjutor will both be ordaining. Dr. Travis Stevens will preach. A reception to follow the ordinations.

You may attend in person at Grace Cathedral or watch the ordinations remotely.

Please make a donation today to support the work of the Vocations Office of the Diocese of California. Your gift will support future candidates as they journey through their process. Thank you!  

A note to clergy of the dioceseYou are welcome to vest and process at the ordination liturgy. Eucharistic vestments with red stoles are desired. Please come directly to the gym to vest at 2:30 pm.

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