Gallery Exhibit Benefiting St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church Restoration Project


Gallery Exhibit Benefiting St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church Restoration Project

We are delighted to invite you to a special gallery exhibit featuring the experimental paintings of Mark P. Fisher. The exhibit, taking place from December 30 to January 7  will benefit the restoration project of the Bakewell Hall Exterior at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, a historically Black church founded over 100 years ago.

This solo exhibition presents an opportunity to explore Fisher’s diverse works created over the past 25 years. With at least 30 paintings on display, ranging from large to smaller pieces, the showcase promises a captivating journey through the artist’s evolving expressions. All proceeds from this event will contribute to the restoration of the wood exterior of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church.

We encourage you to visit the gallery between 12 noon and 4 p.m. and immerse yourself in the world of Fisher’s art, knowing that your presence supports a vital restoration project. For more information, feel free to contact Mark at 459-1536 or visit

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