Poetry Reading with Lily Greenberg


Poetry Reading with Lily Greenberg

Poetry Reading with Lily Greenberg, reading from her debut collection on Women’s Transformation, author of “In the Shape of a Woman.

Lily Greenberg is a writer from Nashville, Tennessee and the author of In the Shape of a Woman (Broadstone Books 2022). Her work has appeared in Rust+Moth, Hobart, Kissing Dynamite Poetry, and LEON Literary Review, among others, and she is the 2021 recipient of the Dick Shea Memorial Award for Poetry. A 2021 Breadloaf participant, Lily holds an MFA from the University of New Hampshire and lives in Nyack, New York. You can find more of her work at lily-greenberg.com and on Twitter @lily_greenberg.

Cost: Free and Open to the Public
Contact: Anna Haight, annahaight@stcolumbasinverness.org
Other: Indoors, so proof of Vaccination and Masking required.


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