Pre-convention learning event: “Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community” with the Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll


Pre-convention learning event: “Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community” with the Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll

Join Bishop Marc Andrus and the Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll for our inaugural podcast in a new series entitled “Sacred Earth: Growing Beloved Community.” Each month introduces a new environmental leader discussing their work and the spiritual practices and learning that have shaped them and undergird their work.

We begin this new podcast series with the Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll, the founder and president of Green the Church. He is an Atlantic fellow, visiting faculty at Berkeley School of Theology at the Graduate Theological Union, and pastor at Church by the Side of the Road, Berkeley, CA. In the last decade, Dr. Carroll has combined theology with ecology and challenged the church universal to embrace its mantle of creation care. He created Green The Church, a national non-profit charged to educate the Black Church and lead in the creation of sustainable programs to undergird the work of creating green and efficient church buildings.

Our guest musician is Benjamin Mertz who was raised in the Episcopal Church and has served as music director in many congregations. He is the Director of Diversity & Inclusion for the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute (BECI), on the board of directors of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, and the founder/director of the Joyful Noise! Gospel Singers. Benjamin is a composer, performer, and song leader who specializes in music of the Black Spiritual tradition. He can often be found leading songs at benefit concerts, vigils, protest actions, sacred services, and workshops.

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