Bishop Marc denounces Ugandan church support of new anti-LGBTQAI+ laws 

Bishop Marc denounces Ugandan church support of new anti-LGBTQAI+ laws 

At the 2008 Lambeth Conference, I was honored to lead the sponsorship of a new film, Prophetic Voices of Witness, Africa, which highlighted LGBTQIA+ Anglicans in Uganda and other African Anglican provinces. Our purpose in creating this beautiful, powerful film was not only to give these courageous souls the chance to speak of their lives and Christian faith but also to give lie to the assertions that: There are no African LGBTQIA+ people; that there is no “being” LGBTQIA+, that homosexuality is a choice; and that LGBTQIA+ lives are the result of corrupt Western importations.

Powerful as the film was, I was under no illusions that the deeply entrenched evils visited on the LGBTQIA+ community, not only in Africa but all over the world, would be so easily undone. However, the news that the current Anglican Archbishop of Uganda, Stephen Kaziimba, has openly praised Uganda’s latest anti-LGBTQIA+ laws is appalling and an affront to Christian faith.

Only a year ago the Archbishop of Canterbury, the spiritual head of the Anglican Communion, made a historic statement that recognized the theological legitimacy of those within the Communion who affirm full inclusion and rights for the LGBTQIA+ community. And yet, now, the leader of the Anglican Church of Uganda is praising this dangerous new anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation.

It is a scandal that in most of the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly called the British Commonwealth), the core of the Anglican world, homosexual activity is criminalized. It is a further matter of shame that such criminalization is not condemned by the Anglican Communion and provinces of the Communion that contain such countries. It need not be argued that silence is complicity. Yet, for the Anglican Church of Uganda, through its Archbishop, to praise the nation’s new, draconian anti-LGBTQIA+ laws is beyond even this lamentable complicity. Moreover, it is unfortunate that Uganda’s new legislation aimed at LGBTQIA+ persons conflate numbers of abuses, such as sexual abuse of minors, with homosexuality. This area of Uganda’s legislation should not be linked to sexual orientation.

I wish to be clear: my position as Bishop of California in the Episcopal Church, and as a Christian, is one of affirmation of LGBTQIA+ persons. The Diocese of California and The Episcopal Church unequivocally support our LGBTQIA+ siblings (history). I join my voice with those admirable people in the film we showed at Lambeth 2008 to say that they are my kin in Christ. The LGBTQIA+ people of Africa should be respected and loved, not criminalized and persecuted

Bishop Marc Announces a Historic New Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice

Bishop Marc Announces a Historic New Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice

The following is message to the Diocese of California from the Rt Rev Marc Handley Andrus, PhD. The message is followed by quotes contributed by the leadership of the Union of Black Episcopalians – Vivian Traylor/Northern California Chapter, the Afro Anglican Commission of the Diocese of California, the diocesan Standing Committee, and the diocesan Executive Council.


April 20, 2023


Dear Friends in Christ,

On Tuesday evening, April 18, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Diocese of California, took a historic step by enabling the funding of a Canon position which I have called for, the Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice.

The decision to fund the position was the coming together of several powerful strands of thought and commitment: there was an original task force to come up with job description for the Canon; an activist coalition convened by the local Union of Black Episcopalians and the Afro/Anglican Commission of the Diocese of California, a coalition that came together to present a resolution to me and the Executive Council, presenting the case for the urgency of creating this position, and the Council itself, which has doggedly worked on creating a workable path to fund the position.

I acknowledge that the challenges around racial, social, and environmental justice are vast — too vast to be carried by any one person. With this in mind, I invite us to see the Canon as one who helps all of us to connect, lift up, and stand with those in our community who are the inheritors of oppression, and who experience oppression and violence in their current lives. It is also my belief and hope that the new Canon will bring with them experience and training that will help us advance justice. Personally speaking, and as I told the Executive Council Tuesday evening, I expect that the new Canon will know more about each of these areas than I do. While I have been committed and worked for racial, social, and environmental justice for many years, I am sure that the new Canon will teach and lead me into new understandings and paths of action.

It is important for me to say a few words about the source of funding for the Canon position. Through the thoughtful work of our Finance Committee, we identified using a portion of money raised in our Expanding Horizons capital campaign. As with the Canon position, I initiated the Expanding Horizons campaign, but it was fulfilled – bringing close to $20 million dollars into new missional initiatives of the diocese, diocesan institutions and partner congregations – by a multitude of faithful people, with the expertise of our Canon for Development, Planned Giving and Stewardship, Mr. Davey Gerhard. The incredible generosity of major donors and some 1000 Episcopalians have made the new Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice possible – I am deeply grateful to them all.

Thanks to the Executive Council’s decision, I am now building a task force to search for our first Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice. The task force will post a job description and then conduct the search over the summer, with the hopes of filling the position by the fall of 2023. I ask for your prayers and blessings as we take our next steps toward becoming Christ’s Beloved Community.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, 
To venture on wilder seas
Where storms will show Your mastery;
Where losing sight of land, 
We shall find the stars.

In faith,


From the Union of Black Episcopalians – Vivian Traylor/Northern California Chapter:

“Our Union of Black Episcopalian members are thrilled to hear that the Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice position is approved, and we eagerly anticipate the hiring of a great candidate.

It is our strong belief that in the Diocese of California, one of the most diverse racially, ethnically, culturally, gender and sexually-orientated dioceses in the nation, the work of this Canon poses an exceptional opportunity to grow and become more reflective of the Bay Area’s richly diverse demographics.

The Church’s work towards the realization of the Beloved Community is of the utmost importance, and we believe that the Canon for Racial, Social and Environmental Justice is an essential piece to achieving this goal.”

From the Rev Dr Mauricio Wilson, Rector of St. Paul’s in Oakland and Chair of the Afro Anglican Commission of the Diocese of California:

“The Diocese of California is committed to the ministries of advocacy for the most vulnerable among us, as well as breaking down the systems and barriers that contribute to divisions and discrimination. The calling of this Canon will help us remain faithful to this call.”

From Mr. Warren Wong , General Convention Deputy (Calif.) and member of the GC Task Force on Care of Creation & Environmental Racism; President of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of California

“The new Canon for Racial, Social, and Environmental Justice position reflects the Church’s commitment to three interconnected systems that impact our  SF Bay Area communities.”

From Ms. Sherry Lund, Chair of the Executive Council of the Diocese of California:

“We look to this Canon to help us expand our vision and work toward overcoming injustice, and toward caring for the earth.”


The Diocese of California is in a  Bishop Search and Transition Process and Asks for Your Help With Prayer

The Diocese of California is in a Bishop Search and Transition Process and Asks for Your Help With Prayer

A press release from the Bishop Search and Transition Committee

Leer en Espanol

Our current Bishop, Marc Handley Andrus, has announced his retirement, effective in July 2024.

In response, the Diocese of California has entered a time of transition as it embarks on a search process for its Ninth Bishop, whom it will elect in December of 2023The process will continue with a wider consent process across The Episcopal Church, followed by a consecration service in May of 2024. The first part of the search process involves the Bishop Search & Transition Committee publishing a Diocesan Profile and inviting applications from those who may feel called to serve as the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese. 

There will be a brief overlap between the consecration and Bishop Marc’s retirement in July of 2024.

The search for the next Bishop in the Diocese of California involves many steps. The prayerful participation of all in our Diocese is important in following along with each milestone and especially in praying. 

The Bishop Search & Transition Committee members invite every person, every parish, every Bible study and prayer small group, and every gathering of Episcopalians across the Diocese to offer petitions and thanksgiving throughout this process.

We ask that you review the milestones of our journey of transition and follow along with them as you are able, offering your prayers to lift up this process and to invite the Holy Spirit to move among us.

Milestone: Prayer Request:
Publication of Diocesan Profile and Application
April 17, 2023
Thanksgiving for the gift of service that helped us to hear all voices at listening sessions, in surveys, and in private email messages. May our hopes, prayers, and listening hearts reach those discerning a call to serve as our  Ninth Bishop. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila feel our love and support as we enter this transition process together as followers of Jesus Christ.
Slate of Bishop Nominees Announced September 22, 2023 Thanksgiving for the time and energy of both those called to submit applications and those called and engaged to review them. May God bless the Bishop Search & Transition Committee members in their work; may the Holy Spirit move to open hearts toward attentive listening in the preparation of the slate of nominees. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila find loving comfort and support in our community.   
Period of Nomination by Petition (Local Nomination)
September 22, 2023
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California. May the Holy Spirit move in our Diocese so that those who feel called to apply to be our Bishop are included in the slate. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila find joy and peace, surrounded by love and care among all the people of the Diocese of California.
Final Slate of Nominees Announced October 27, 2023 Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California. May the Holy Spirit stir in our hearts and in the hearts of all of the nominees on the final slate toward deep discernment. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila meet this next step with growing hope and with the love and the tender care of the people of the Diocese of California at this stage of the transition process.
Local Meet & Greet Gatherings With Nominees
November 2–5, 2023
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California, and for the willingness of the nominees to meet with us. May God grant our nominees strength and courage through the rigors of this process. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila find loving comfort and support in our community. 
Electing Convention
December 2, 2023
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California. May those voting at the convention and all those in the Diocese of California listen carefully for the still, small voice of  God and also for the movement of the Holy Spirit in the election of the Ninth Bishop of our diocese. May God bless the convention, its communications, and may all give thanks for the love and care exercised by all who have planned, organized, and helped with the convention. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila rejoice in this next step in their journey, finding strength and feeling the love and tenderness with which our community tends to them. May they find friendship and collegiality with the Ninth Bishop and the extended family that this new family member brings to the Diocese of California. May all of the Candidates and the Ninth Bishop-elect be at peace with the processes and support of this convention. 
Episcopal Church Consent Process
December 11, 2023–March 20, 2024
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California and across the communities of The Episcopal Church, and for the ways in which our consent process helps to strengthen the bonds of unity and lived common prayer in the church. May God bless this service with peace and concord. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila be at peace with all in this process and the joy in the ways it supports their next steps toward their aspirations. May the Ninth Bishop-elect find peace and comfort in the affirmation of the call to serve in the Diocese of California.
Consecration (or Installation) of Bishop Co-Adjutor to Succeed Bishop Marc
May 4, 2024
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California. May all of our communities, and all who participated in the transition process meet this event with joy and hope. May its rituals and traditions, and the community it gathers in worship be encirched and uplifted. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila greet this event accompanied and loved, and may they participate in it fully.
Messages of Thanksgiving and Well-wishing For Bishop Marc And Dr. Sheila through the Transition Mailbox
June 1, 2024–July 24, 2024
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California. God our Creator, we ask for your loving support and inspiration at this important moment in our lives as community members. We pray that you move each of us to offer to Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila those loving recollections, messages of support, prayers, and well wishes to accompany them as they move to another stage of their shared life and vocation.
Bishop Marc Retires
July 24, 2024
Thanksgiving for active and engaged Episcopalians in the Diocese of California, and for all those experiencing change and transition. All-knowing, all-loving God, we pray for your help in contributing to the well-being, peace, and care of our beloved Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila, on the occasion of Bishop Marc’s retirement. Equip us to offer meaningful support in this transition to Bishop Marc, Dr. Sheila, the Ninth Bishop and his/her/their family and communities. May we also care for each other tenderly in this important time of transition.



La Diócesis de California Está En una Búsqueda de Obispo y Proceso de Transición, y Pide Su Ayuda Con Oración

Un comunicado de prensa del Comité de Búsqueda y Transición de Obispos

Read in English

Nuestro Obispo actual, Marc Handley Andrus, ha anunciado su jubilación, a partir de julio de 2024.

En respuesta, la Diócesis de California ha entrado en un momento de transición a medida que se embarca en un proceso de búsqueda de su Noveno Obispo, a quien eligirá en diciembre de 2023. El proceso continuará con el consentimiento más amplio en toda la Iglesia Episcopal, seguido por un servicio de consagración en mayo de 2024.

El proceso continuará con un consentimiento más amplio en toda la Iglesia Episcopal, seguido de un servicio de consagración en mayo de 2024. La primera parte del proceso de búsqueda implica que el Comité de Búsqueda y Transición de Obispos publique un Perfil Doicesano e invite a presentar solicitudes a aquellos que se sientan llamados a servir como el/la/le Obispa/o/e de la Diócesis. 

Habrá una breve superposición entre la consagración y la jubilación del Obispo Marc en julio de 2024. 

La búsqueda del próxima/o/e Obispa/o/e en la Diócesis de California implica muchos pasos. La participación en oración de todos en nuestra Diócesis es importante para seguir cada hito.

Los miembros del Comité de Búsqueda y Transición invitan a cada persona, cada parroquia o misión, cada grupo pequeño de estudio Bíblico y oración, y cada reunión de Episcopales en toda la Diócesis de California a ofrecer peticiones y acciones de gracias a lo largo de este proceso. 

Los líderes de la Diócesis piden a todos Ustedes que revisen los hitos de nuestro viaje de transición y los sigan como puedan, ofreciendo sus oraciones para levantar este proceso e invitar al Espíritu Santo a moverse entre nosotros.

Hito: Acción de Gracias y Petición:
Publicación del Perfil Diocesno y las Materials Solicitud
17 abril, 2023
Acciones de gracias por el don de servicio que nos ayudó oir las voces de del pueblo en las sesiones de escuchar, en las encuestas, y en mensajes por correo electrónico. Que nuestras esperanzas, oraciones, y corazones abiertas lleguen a todos los que disciernan un llamada a servir como nuestra/o/e Obispa/o/e Novena/o/e. Que el Obipspo March y la Dra. Sheila se sientan nuestro amor y apoyo mientras entramos, en conjunto, en esta estación de transicion como seguidores de Jesucristo.
Lista de Nominados Para Obispa/o/e Anunciada
22 septiembre, 2023
Acciones de gracias por el tiempo y la energia de los llamados a presentar una solicitud, tanto como los llamados y comprometidos a revisar las solicitudes.

Que Dios bendiga y apoya a los miembros del Comité de Búsqueda y Transición en su trabajo; que el Epíritu Santo se mueva para abrir sus corazones a escuchar atentamente en la preparación de la lista de las/los/les que sean Nominadas/os/es. Que el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila encuentren cariñoso consuelo y apoyo en nuestra comunidad.

Periodo de Nominación por Petition (Nominación Local)
22 septiembre, 2023
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidas en la Diócesis de California. Que el Espíritu Santo se mueva en nuestra Diócesis para que los que se sientan llamadas/os/es solicitar  para ser nuestra/o/e Obispa/o/e sean incluidas/os/es en la lisita de nominadas/os/es. Que el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila encuentren gozo y alegría, rodeados por amor y cariño entre todos nosotros de la Diócesis de California.
Lista Final de Nominadas/os/es Anunciado
27 octubre, 2023
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidas en la Diócesis de California. Que el Espíritu Santo se mueva en nuestros corazones y en los corazones de todos las/los/les Nominadas/os/es que aparecen en la lista final, hacía un discernimiento profundo. Que el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila se enfrenten este paso del camino con creciente esperanza y con el amor y cuidado tierno del pueblo de la Diócesis de California en este hito del proceso de transición.
Reuniones Locales Para Conocer y Saludar a las/los/les Nominadas/os/es
2–5 noviembre, 2023
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidas en la Diócesis de California, y por la disposición de las/los/les Nominadas/os/es a reunirse con nosotros. Que Dios conceda a nuestras/os/es Nominadas/os/es fuerza y corage tras los rigores de este proceso. Que el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila encuentren cariñoso apoyo en nuestra comunidad.
2 diciembre, 2023
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidas en la Diócesis de California. Que todos los que votan y todos los de la Diócesis escuchen cuidadosamente por la voz apacible de Dios tanto que la agitación del Espíritu Santo en la elección de nuestra/o/e Novena/o/e Obispa/o/e. Que Dios bendiga la convención y sus comunicacicones, y que todos den gracias por el amor y el cuidado ofrecido por todos los que planearon, organizaron, y ayudaron con la convención. Que el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila regocijen en este paso de su camino de transición, encontrando fuerza y sientiéndose el amor y la  ternura con que nuestro pueblo les atienda. Que encuentren amistad y colegialidad con la/el/le Novena/o/e Obispa/o/e y con la familia que trae a la Diócesis de Californnina. Que todas/os/es las/os/es Candidatas/os/es sean en paz con los procesos y el apoyo de esta convención. 
Proceso de Consentimiento de la Iglesia Episcopal
11 diciembre–30 marzo, 2024
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidas en la Diócesis de California y tras todas las comunidades de la Iglesia Episcopal, y por las muchas maneras en que nuestro proceso de consentimiento nos ayuda  fortalecer los lazos the bonds of unity and lived common prayer in the church. May God bless this process with peace and concord. May Bishop Marc and Dr. Sheila be at peace with the consent process and the joy in the ways it supports their next steps toward their goals. May the Ninth Bishop-elect find peace and comfort in the affirmation of the call to serve in the Diocese of California.


Consagración (o Instalación) de la/el/le Obispa/o/e co-Ayudante Para Suceder al Obispo Marc
4 mayo, 2024
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidas en la Diócesis de California y tras todas las comunidades. de la Iglesia Episcopal y por las muchas maneras de que nuestro proceso de connsentimiento nos ayuda fortalecer los lazos de unidad y oración vivida en la iglesia. Que Dios bendiga este servicio con paz y concordia. Que el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila sean en paz con todo de este proceso y el gozo de las maneras de que apoya su camino hacia sus aspiraciones. Que la/el/le Obispa/o/e Novena/o/e-elegida/o/e se enfrente con comodidad en la afirmación del llamado a servir en la Diócesis de California.
Mensajes de Acción de Gracias y Buenos Deseos Por el Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila en la Caja de Correo de la Transición
1–24 junio, 2024
Acción de gracias por los Episcopales activos y comprometidos en la Diócesis de California. Dios nuestro Creador, te pedimos que nos apoyes con tu cariño y tu inspiración en este momento importante de nuestras vivas como miembros de la comunidad de la Diócesis de California. Oramos que tu Espíritu Santo se mueva entre nosotros y dentro de cada uno de nosotros para ofrecer al Obispo Marc y a la Dra. Sheila todas las memorias y mensajes cariños de apoyo para acompañarles mieintras se mueven a otra etapa de su vida y so vocación compartida.
Jubila el Obispo Marc
24 julio, 2024
Acción de gracias por los activos y comprometidos en la Diócesis de California, y por todos los que experimentan cambios y transiciones en este momento. Dios que todo lo sabe, Dios que todo lo ama, oramos que nos ayudes en contribuir al bienestar, a la paz, y al cariño de nuestros amados Obispo Marc y la Dra. Sheila, en la ocasión del jubilo del Obispo Marc. Equípanos por favor para ofrecer significativo apoyo en esta transición al Obispo Marc, a la Dra. Sheila, y a la/el/le Obispa/o/e Novena/o/e Novena/o/e y a su familia y sus comunidades. Que nosotros también nos cuidemos uno al otro tiernamente en este tiempo importante de transición.  Episcopales


Standing Committee letter to the Diocese

Greetings Family of Christ,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of California. The canons (rules) of the church dictate that, in the event of the resignation of a bishop, the call to elect a new bishop is issued by the Standing Committee (Article XII, section 12.2).  It is in our capacity as leaders of the search process that we are writing to you today.

As we begin to look toward the future of the diocese, it is important to acknowledge its past and present. To that end, we wish to thank Bishop Marc for his 16 faithful years of service to the Diocese of California. Throughout his tenure, Bishop Marc and his family have demonstrated a firm commitment to the health and well-being of the diocese, The Episcopal Church, and God’s creation. We are grateful for his diligence, compassion, and witness. His stewardship will ensure that we will have many candidates who feel called to lead our diocese.

We would also like to provide you with information regarding the nature and structure of the search and transition process for the ninth bishop of California. The Standing Committee has been aware of Bishop Marc’s planned resignation and subsequent retirement for some time. He has graciously conferred with us about his planned retirement and we, in turn, have worked with him to establish a search and transition timeline that will provide the best opportunity for a healthy, smooth, and stable process. The current timeline is as follows:

1.  Fall, 2021:                         Bishop Marc consults with the President of the Standing                                                        Committee about his resignation/retirement plans

2.  April 7, 2022:                    Bishop Marc informs the Standing Committee of his
resignation/retirement plans
3.  July 22, 2022:                   Bishop Marc announces his resignation/retirement to the                                                       people of the Diocese of California
4.  October 29, 2022:             The members of the Search and Transition Committee are                                                     named; Search and Transition process begins
5.  December 9, 2023:           Convention to elect a Bishop Coadjutor to succeed Bishop                                                     Marc as the 9th Bishop of California
6.  May 4, 2024:                     Consecration of the Bishop Coadjutor to succeed Bishop                                                      Marc as the 9th Bishop of California
7.  July 24, 2024:                   Bishop Marc retires; the Bishop Coadjutor becomes 9th                                                        Bishop of California

Please bear in mind that the timeline is a work in progress. Other important milestones will be added in consultation with the Search and Transition Committee.

You may be wondering why the Search and Transition process seems long. The timeline we have established is based on several factors:

1.  The average length of recent searches in other dioceses
2.  Canonically defined time frames (such as the need to have consent to the election
3.  The Presiding Bishop’s availability to consecrate the new bishop

Most importantly, in order to achieve the best outcome, it is imperative that we allow ourselves the necessary time to gather and consider the concerns and counsel of the people of the Diocese of California. This information will be critical in the selection of the 9th Bishop of California.

The Standing Committee is pleased to announce that the Search and Transition process has its own website, which is also linked to our diocesan website. As the Search and Transition process evolves, the website will be updated with new information, including changes/additions to the timeline. Our immediate goals are:

  • Complete the selection and announce the names of the co-chairs of the Search and Transition Committee as soon as possible.
  •  Complete the selection of the entire Search and Transition Committee
  •  Introduce the entire Committee at the annual Diocesan Convention at the end of October

The search will be a transparent and comprehensive process conducted within the bounds of the confidentiality required by The Episcopal Church. Our desire is to hear and respond to your questions and input at all stages. You can contact us at or through the diocesan or search websites.

The most important thing you can do to assist with the process is to pray. We are asking DioCal congregations to add the following Prayer for Transition to your regular liturgies:

Almighty God, giver of every good gift, by your grace you have called us into one fellowship of faith: Look graciously on the people of the Diocese of California during this time of transition.  May we be guided in heart and mind by your Holy Spirit to seek and welcome a faithful pastor who will care for your people and equip us to perform the work of the Church. Grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what you would have us do. Save us from all false choices, that in your light we may see light, and on your path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

The Standing Committee is committed to a fruitful search and transition process. We enter this stage of our lives together with gratitude and hope.


The Rev. Deborah White, MSW, MDiv, Ph.D.
President, Standing Committee, Diocese of California

on behalf of its members:

Ms. Noreen Huey, Vice-President
The Rev. Todd Bryant, Secretary
Ms. Robyn Amos
The Venerable Reverend Carolyn Bolton
Mr. Sean McConnell
The Rev. Dr. Mauricio Wilson
Mr. Warren Wong

Joint statement on the overturning of Roe v. Wade, from the Bishop’s Office and Grace Cathedral

We received news this morning that the Supreme Court has struck down Roe v Wade. It must be underscored that this decision further endangers the lives of vulnerable women living in poverty, people who are often Black and brown. The road to restore justice in the wake of this traumatic decision will be a long one, and it will require tremendous conviction, compassion, kindness to one another, and self-care.

Our Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, has issued a lengthier statement than this, which both explains and grounds the Episcopal Church stance on reproductive rights in the legislation of our Church. Such Church legislation shows a long-standing commitment to the protection of life – the life of women, the unborn and of children.

Presiding Bishop Curry speaks to the reality of the impact of this decision, saying, “While I, like many, anticipated this decision, I am deeply grieved by it. I have been ordained more than 40 years, and I have served as a pastor in poor communities; I have witnessed firsthand the negative impact this decision will have.” Please see his full statement here.

This decision, coming as it does on the heels of a decision that fuels, rather than tamps down the wildfire of gun violence in the United States, is beyond disturbing. Our Supreme Court should, in the broadest sense, work to make Americans – all Americans – safer and more secure, more able to enjoy “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” not to make life more dangerous and difficult.

It should not be the case that the state where one lives, one’s race or economic status determines how full and free one’s life is. The Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health Organization opens the door to a patchwork landscape across our country, marked by varying degrees of inequality.

We call on faithful Episcopalians in the Diocese of California and indeed all Americans to prayerfully pursue nonviolent and unrelenting efforts to work for justice.

Jesus of Nazareth, the founder and center of our faith, both honored the laws of Moses, and sought to purify the understanding and practice of them. Again and again, he helped people understand that laws didn’t exist for themselves, nor for the purposes of oppressing people, but to liberate all people, all of life. As an early follower of Jesus, Paul, wrote, “For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was not ‘Yes and No’; but in him it has always been ‘Yes’.’” For in him every one of God’s promises is a ‘Yes.’” I take this to mean, as Bishop Curry often says, that God is “… life-giving, liberating, and loving.”

In faith,

The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, PhD | Bishop of California
The Rev. Cn. Debra Low-Skinner | Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of California
The Very Rev. Malcolm Clemens Young, ThD | Dean of Grace Cathedral
The Rev. Greg Kimura, PhD | Vice Dean of Grace Cathedral


Bishop Marc Statement on the St. Stephen’s, Vestavia Hills Shooting

In the unrelenting onslaught of mass shootings that continue to wrack our country, the shooting at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Vestavia Hills, Alabama has wrung Sheila’s and my hearts in a personal way.
I was ordained as a bishop in Alabama, and St. Stephen’s is a parish we both know and love. The former rector, the Rev. Doug Carpenter, is someone I have respected and cared for many years. I met the current rector when he was a student in an environmental theology class. I taught at Virginia Seminary.
Sheila and I send our love and the assurance of our prayers to the people of St. Stephen’s. “Prayers” mean, for me, a commitment to supporting gun reform; we must change so that the tragic, unnecessary deaths are stopped.