
In the course of Christian formation, those baptized at an early age are expected — when they are ready and have been appropriately prepared — to make a mature public affirmation of faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism, and to receive laying on of hands by the bishop. Confirmation is an intentional choice to deepen relationship with God through mature membership and increased participation in the church community. For youth being confirmed, confirmation often marks the point at which one moves into spiritual adulthood, usually in late middle school or in high school. The Diocese of California recommends confirmation at age 14 and older, and considers age 12 to be the minimum age for youth confirmation.

Procedures for Requesting Confirmation

Confirmation is available when the bishop makes parochial visits, EcoConfirmation, and General Confirmations.

For parochial confirmation, EcoConfirmation, and General Confirmations please contact Caren Miles, Associate for Faith Formation,, 415.869.7815



This joy-filled outdoor ceremony will take place somewhere on the Peninsula. Exact details coming soon. Registration will be available 6 weeks before.

An outdoor service, participants at EcoConfirmation will uphold their baptismal vow to “cherish the wondrous works of God, and protect the beauty and integrity of all creation.” Together, the community will recommit itself to the fifth mark of mission: “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.” Learn more about the history and liturgy of EcoConfirmation here.


General Confirmation at Grace Cathedral

Saturday, June 10th, 2023, 10a.m.

This joy-filled service usually lasts about 2 hours. Families from across the diocese gather to celebrate this milestone.
Participation in General Confirmation requires advanced registration, which should be available here 6 weeks before the service.