81st General Convention

Louisville, KY

June 23-28, 2024

What is General Convention?

The General Convention is the highest governing body of The Episcopal Church, meeting every three years and made up of the Church’s bishops and elected lay and ordained deputies from each diocese.

The Diocese of California passed the Legislative Themes for the 81st General Convention resolution during The 174th Annual Convention in October 2023.  These themes give a focus for the diocesan deputation to focus on in their work at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church. 

Legislative Themes for the 81st General Convention

GC81 Deputation

At our Diocesan Convention in 2022, we elected sixteen members to Diocese of California deputation to the 81st General Convention in 2024. The deputation is comprised of eight deputies (four clergy/four lay) and eight alternates (four clergy/four lay). To follow our deputation’s work during the convention, please bookmark this page, and stay tuned for updates!



Eric Metoyer

Eric Metoyer

Diocese of California

Roles: Co-Chair of the deputation from the Diocese of California

Richard Edward Helmer

Richard Edward Helmer

Our Saviour, Mill Valley

Ruth Meyers

Ruth Meyers

All Souls, Berkeley

Deborah White

Deborah White

Grace, Martinez


Sarah Lawton

Sarah Lawton

St. John the Evangelist, San Francisco

Roles: Co-Chair of the deputation from the Diocese of California

Warren Wong

Warren Wong

St. James, San Francisco


Christopher Hayes

Christopher Hayes

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

Laura Curlin

Laura Curlin

St. Cyprian's, San Francisco



Cameron Partridge

Cameron Partridge

St. Aidan's, San Francisco

Debra Low-Skinner

Debra Low-Skinner

Diocese of California

Mauricio Wilson

Mauricio Wilson

St. Paul's, Oakland

Jennifer Nelson

Jennifer Nelson

St. Clare's , Pleasanton, & St. Bartholomew's, Livermore


Karma Quick-Panwala

Karma Quick-Panwala

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

Emily Hopkins

Emily Hopkins

St. Paul's, Walnut Creek

Joseph Dashiell

Joseph Dashiell

St. Augustine's, Oakland

Ronald Hermanson

Ronald Hermanson

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

Stories and News from General Convention

DioCal’s delegation wraps up its final day at GC80

DioCal’s delegation wraps up its final day at GC80

C80 votes that the time is now for a Women’s & LGBTQ Ministry position Bishops close convention with climate emergency statement ahead of Lambeth Video Series - Christopher Hayes View full newsletter here

Looking for more?

Find the schedule, photos, news, and the DioCal deputies for the 80th General Convention held in Baltimore, MD on July 8 – 11, 2022.