Planned Giving

Legacy giving is an integral part of Christian stewardship. What we do with all that God has placed into our hands includes how we arrange for its distribution when we face our final transition.

Loyal members of churches have been making planned gifts, or estate gifts, since the Church began. If you look around your church, you’ll see the names and dates of those who have come before you, whose generosity and vision is memorialized in the gifts they left to their friends and family in the congregation they loved and supported. You, too, can make a legacy gift to your congregation, and the Diocese of California Planned Giving office can help.

Did you know that you could give a gift to your church that costs you nothing during your lifetime? 
Making gifts from your estate, through your will or a bequest, making gifts from your retirement accounts, or making gifts from life insurance are common ways donors do this.

Did you know that gifts of stock can be more beneficial than giving cash?
Gifts of appreciated stock avoid capital gains taxes and allow for the full deduction while providing an immediate gift to your church.

Did you know that you could make a gift to your church and receive an income that you cannot outlive? 
Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Gift Annuities, and Pooled Income Funds are all easy to establish and provide wonderful gifts to your designated charities and church while providing you with an income stream for life.

There are many ways that you may make a gift to your congregation, an institution of the Diocese of California, while at the same providing for your family and other charitable institutions that matter to you.

To run illustrations, or to learn more about the many different ways you may leave a legacy to your congregation, please visit

 The Diocesan planned giving office can be called on to:

  • hosting a coffee hour or adult education forum about planned giving
  • hosting an end-of-life or will-writing workshop
  • inviting us to speak with your legacy society, vestry / bishop’s committee, or stewardship committee
  • speak with a group of donors, or one-on-one consultations with individuals or households interested in making a gift

Contact Davey Gerhard, Director of Development to learn more, to schedule a consult or call, or to arrange for a presentation in your congregation or institution at or by calling 415-869-7836