Resources for Raising Capital in Congregations

Church growth and development experts suggest that a healthy congregation should undergo a capital campaign every seven to ten years. While that may seem often to many, there is wisdom in this idea. Capital campaigns have many inward and outward benefits to a congregation.

  • Invigorate the community on a new project or vision
  • Show the neighborhood that vitality and growth are present here
  • Allow for some people who have significant capacity to make generous gifts that would otherwise remain hidden

What is a capital gift?

Capital gifts can be:

  • used for brick and mortar building projects
  • beginning or growing endowments
  • paying off debt
  • incubating and funding new ministries 

Capital campaigns are phased campaigns, asking for gifts pledged over time. Not every capital gift has to be a stretch gift, campaigns are built on gifts of all sizes. In addition, pledges can often be paid with securities or other payment vehicles.?

For a list of recommended capital campaign consultants, or to begin talking about running at capital campaign in your congregation, contact Davey Gerhard, Director of Development, at