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DioCal News & Events is a weekly email newsletter with diocesan news, events, and resources from the bishop’s office and upcoming calendar events from congregations and ministries. This newsletter is for the entire community of the Diocese of California. It is published on Tuesday afternoon.

DioCal News & Events
DioCal News & Events

PB Curry's Easter Message, Canon Debbie visits, and more Read more 

DioCal News & Events
DioCal News & Events

Bishop Marc at the National Cathedral, Eucharistic Miniter and Eucharistic Visitor Training, and...

DioCal News & Events
DioCal News & Events

Affordable housing and organic farm project, resources and more Read more 

DioCal News & Events
DioCal News & Events

New creation care program, Youth summit, and more Read more           ...

Diocal News & Events
Diocal News & Events

DioCal new website is live, +Marc's book online discussion, and more Read more     ...

Diocal News & Events
Diocal News & Events

News from Episcopal Impact Fund, Budget Webinar, and more   Read more       ...

Diocal News & Events
Diocal News & Events

+Marc message about Ukraine, Lent resources, and more   Read more       ...

Diocal News & Events
Diocal News & Events

Convention updates, Spring confirmations, and more Read more           ...

Diocal News & Events
Diocal News & Events

Invitations from +Marc, Black history resources, and more Read more       

DioCal News & Events
DioCal News & Events

Absalom Jones Feast, Upcoming events, and more Read more           ...

DioCal News & Events
DioCal News & Events

Black history month resources, events and celebrations. Read more