Application for Ordination to the Priesthood 


Applying for Priestly Ordination

Submitted by you

PR1 Transitional Deacon’s Application for Ordination to the Priesthood

Letter of Application: The Transitional Deacon writes a ~400-word letter of application addressed to the Bishop reflecting on growth as a transitional deacon and requesting ordination to the diaconate. The letter of application may be submitted here.

GOE Results and Transcripts: The applicant will be prompted to upload the GOE results as well as final or nearly final transcripts.

Submitted by others on behalf of you

The applicant is responsible for coordinating this documentation. Where signatures are canonically required, they are uploaded in common image formats (.pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, etc.) in the form.

PR2 Congregational Endorsement of Application for Priesthood and Attestation

Click here to submit this form.

The sponsoring congregation provides its official endorsement of the transitional deacon.

PR3 Second Field Education Year Final Report

Click here to submit this form.

The second year of Field Education must be completed before the transitional deacon can be approved for ordination to the priesthood. For some transitional deacons, the second year of field education will include a diaconal ministry placement. In such cases, you may submit a single report here.

PR4 Intern Year Final Report

Click here to submit this form.

If an Intern Year was undertaken, the final report must be submitted before the transitional deacon can be approved for ordination to the priesthood.

PR5 Supervised Ministry Final Report

Click here to submit this form.

If a supervised ministry (other than Field Education or the Intern Year) was undertaken during postulancy or candidacy, the final report must be submitted before the transitional deacon can be approved for ordination to the priesthood.

PR6 Diaconal Supervisor Evaluation

Click here to submit this form

For those who have already completed two years of field education, a separate diaconal placement is required. In such cases, the supervising clergy must submit a comprehensive evaluation of the transitional deacon’s ministry.

Fitness for Ordained Ministry and Eligibility for Ordination

The background check, medical evaluation and psychological evaluation conducted during the application for postulancy must be current within 36 months of the anticipated dates of ordination to the diaconate or priesthood. If more than 30 months have elapsed since the original evaluations, follow up evaluations must take place. To request an updated background check, email and copy and ask to initiate a 5-year background check. To renew your psychological evaluation, email and ask to be connected with a provider. In most cases, this evaluation consists of only a clinical interview. Please note that the update costs $350 and will be billed to your sponsoring parish. It is your responsibility to alert the senior warden of your sponsoring parish about this cost. To renew your medical evaluation, contact your provider and ask them to complete this form, and to email it to you. When you receive the completed form, email it to The updated medical evaluation, psychological evaluation, and background check must be completed and received by the vocations office by the date of your ordination. They take time to complete, so be sure to begin this process when you are within one calendar year of your anticipated date of ordination.

Assessment of Application for Priestly Ordination

PR7 Commission on Ministry Interview and Recommendation for Ordination

The Commission on Ministry will interview the transitional deacon for ordination. Based on the interview, the application and supporting documentation, the COM will make its recommendation to the Standing Committee and the Bishop.

14. See 2018 Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church. Title III, Canon 11.3.c 24 • Revised June 2019

PR8 Standing Committee Recommendation for Ordination to the Priesthood

The Standing Committee will review the file of the Candidate to assure that all requirements for ordination have been met. The Standing Committee will make a recommendation to the bishop regarding ordination.

Decision Regarding Ordination to the Priesthood

PR9 Bishop’s Decision Regarding Ordination to the Priesthood

The bishop will issue a decision on the application for ordination following the recommendations of the Commission on Ministry and the Standing Committee.

Preparation for Ordination to the Priesthood

Ministry Placement

If approved for ordination, the transitional deacon proposes a placement and seeks the bishop’s approval of that placement. Conversations with the Transitions Officer and vocations office may inform placement. Formally make a site request. The bishop’s office will respond either approving the request or suggesting an alternative.

Registration and Service Preparation

Once candidates have been approved for ordination, they submit all the information that the diocesan staff involved in benefits, transitions and other departments need to register the ordination through this form. The same online form collects other information required for the ordination liturgy, including presenters (3), acolytes, and hymn requests.

Ordinands Retreat

All ordinands are required to participate in a day-long ordination retreat, typically the Tuesday prior to Ordination.

During Your Priesthood

As a priest

      • Fresher Start. Newly ordained clergy, along with clergy who are new to this diocese or to a call convene for regular formation and reflection for their first two years in that ministry. The Canon to the Ordinary or another representative of the Working Group for Congregational Development will contact the newly ordained about beginning Fresher Start.
      • Clergy Benefits. If eligible, the priest will receive information to enroll in the Diocesan Clergy Benefits Plan.
      • Transitions Office. It is the responsibility of every member of the clergy to keep the Transitions Office informed regarding personal and professional information.
      • Annual Report to the Bishop. Submitted according to diocesan guidelines announced annually.